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Carini Farms' New Website!

Carini Farms' New Website!

We are so happy to welcome you to our brand new Carini Farms website!


With the excitement of Harvest 2016 building, everyone at Carini Farms has been working hard preparing for another wonderful season. Our farmers are busy tending to our budding berries. Our bumble bees are pollinating each and every bud on our blueberry and blackberry bushes. Our management teams are preparing our facilities and setting up for another busy year at the U-Pick stand. 

With all of this excitement on the farm, we decided a website makeover would be the best way to let you know what is going on at the farm! From how to pick the perfect berry, to the health benefits of berries, to what berries are in full bloom; this blog will tell you everything and anything you need to know about blueberries. We will post some of the most delicious blueberry recipes for you to enjoy this summer. We also look forward to sharing with you all of the photos of our team members and U-Pick customers enjoying another beautiful Michigan summer.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the most up-to-date Carini Farms news!